Beautification for all ages: Cosmetic treatments that help you look as young as you feel in your 50’s and Beyond

When you reach the big 5-0, it’s certainly cause to celebrate.

With age comes deeper confidence, along with wisdom and insights one could only wish for in our youth. You may feel a sense of freedom and a renewed focus on your own health and happiness. While some may embrace the natural ageing process, many women (and men) are now searching for ways to reverse signs of ageing and restore their youthful look. They want their appearance to reflect the vibrant energy they still feel inside. Does the notion of looking more youthful without surgery appeal to you? If so, read on to learn more about our most popular beautification treatments to help you look and feel your best in your 50s and beyond!

Beautification Treatments in Your 50s

In your 50s, sometimes it can seem like the changes in your skin appear overnight. With the menopausal drop in estrogen, there is a rapid decline in collagen and elastin production and the ageing process accelerates. The decrease in collagen leads to the appearance of folds, wrinkles, sagging, and hollowness on our faces. Luckily, with modern advances in medicine and aesthetics, there are many non-surgical options to help turn back the clock. Feeling good about our appearance is vital to our emotional wellbeing at every age. It’s definitely never too late to begin your beautification journey. Below is a list of the most common treatments for fifty-somethings that can help you keep feeling and looking like your best self!



The expanding use of fillers in the past decade has led to their growing popularity. Using advanced injection techniques, we can now use filler to lift and contour sagging cheeks and jowls, soften sunken temples, sculpt jawlines and chins and correct asymmetries creating a more youthful version of you. The sky is the limit! As experienced injectors, we have honed our skills so that it is now possible to safely achieve a full-face rejuvenation, aka “liquid facelift”, with little or no downtime in the comfort of the doctor’s office.

As we have seen in some celebrities who have gone a bit overboard, too much filler and in the wrong places can leave you looking puffy like a marshmallow. The key is finding the right balance to achieve a youthful appearance without adding too much volume to the face. Many clients choose to divide their filler treatments into two or more sessions for a more gradual transformation. By following an individualized treatment plan, your appearance is enhanced with each session as we focus on specific areas to give you a natural-looking result.


Lip Filler & Perioral Treatment

In this decade, many women become more focused on signs of ageing around the mouth. After all, nothing beats a smooth and defined canvas for your favourite lipstick! As we age, our lips fade, lose volume and turn inward. The border of the lip loses definition and the vertical lines appear, even in non-smokers. All of these changes can be addressed with lip rejuvenation treatments. Filler can be used to restore plumpness, smooth wrinkles and support the downturned corners of the mouth which make us appear sad even if we are not. Additionally, the border of the lip can be defined to prevent lipstick bleeding. Lips can be refreshed to their natural youthful appearance and each client may choose their desired amount of volume. Seeking out a provider who is known for natural-looking results will help ensure you are satisfied.



Botox remains an excellent treatment for smoothing wrinkles, even over the age of 50. Although, it may be best to start modifying the Botox treatments so they can remain natural-looking. If you have already been maintaining Botox, you may even need less. Continued judicious use of Botox in the frown, forehead, crows and chin will help you appear relaxed and refreshed but not overdone or frozen. Some women also use Botox to soften prominent neckbands. Our trusted and experienced team can help you identify the most suitable areas for Botox treatment that will provide a smooth and natural look!


Complexion & Skin Quality

Hydration and avoidance of sun exposure are even more crucial as the skin becomes thinner and more susceptible to damage in your 50s. At this age, nourishing and protecting your skin with medical-grade skincare products and treatments becomes more vital in the fight against ageing. Skincare with an emphasis on active ingredients for antiaging such as AHA, retinol, vitamins and peptides will help fight against dullness, fine lines and wrinkles and brighten your complexion. Additionally, IPL photorejuvenation is a popular non-invasive treatment. This quick light therapy fades brown spots and broken capillaries that have resulted from years of sun exposure. Microneedling, radiofrequency and ultrasound devices are other popular treatments known for tightening aged skin.


Placing value on investing in your appearance and how that makes you feel is a decision that only you can make. We believe that providing accurate information and honest advice will help you to make the best choice. While cosmetic treatment pricing varies depending on your specific needs, we have estimated your very well-kept maintenance would cost $240 per month based on 3 Botox sessions and 3-4 syringes of filler per year. If you are beginning your rejuvenation and beautification journey with a more dramatic makeover in mind, we are here to develop your treatment plan and to help you decide your comfort level with the investment. 

As we age, drinking plenty of water, a healthy diet, and a quality skin care regimen will all play a critical role in contributing to a healthy and bright complexion. It’s also important not to underestimate the appeal and effectiveness of non-surgical cosmetic treatments in maintaining a youthful appearance that can provide you with an extra boost of confidence and happiness. We can help you highlight the new sense of freedom you exude in this decade. It is time to start doing more of what you want, you deserve it!