What is Belkyra™?

Some people, even at their ideal body weight, still have a collection of fat under their chin (commonly referred to as a double chin). This area of fat deposition is genetic and very resistant to weight loss. According to a recent survey, 67% of men and women are bothered by a double chin and its effect on their appearance.

Belkyra™ was approved by Health Canada in 2015 for non-surgical treatment of double chin. It is an injectable solution containing a naturally occurring molecule called deoxycholic acid. This molecule permanently breaks down fat cells which the body then gradually eliminates.

Belkyra™ (also known as Kybella™ in the US) is only approved for use under the chin, but no doubt new uses are on the horizon for this fat dissolving treatment.

What is a Belkyra™ Treatment Like?

Each treatment session involves the application of a topical numbing cream followed by a series of quick injections into the properly marked area. The entire procedure takes about 20 minutes and you can immediately resume your normal activities. After the treatment there will be mild redness, discomfort, swelling and numbness in the area. These typical effects gradually resolve and your improved chin profile will be revealed over the following weeks.

How much does Belkyra™ Cost?

Let’s start with a consultation to determine whether Belkyra™ is the right choice for you! We can give an estimate of the cost which will be finalized during your treatment based on the amount of Belkyra™ you require. Each session can range from $800+ depending on the degree of fullness of your chin. You may need 2-4 treatment sessions at 6-8 week intervals to reach the chin profile you desire.

For further information on Belkyra™ visit www.belkyra.ca and www.mykybella.com