Beautification for All Ages: Cosmetic Treatments That Elevate Your Look in Your 30s

Have you begun to discover a new degree of self-awareness, confidence, and a renewed look at life in your 30s?

Some people say that your 30s are some of the best years because you have a better understanding of yourself and your desires. In this decade, you’re reaching your goals, establishing your career, home life, and inner circle. With all of this, you have a new sense of confidence and fulfillment that you want to last forever. As you progress through all the exciting changes in your 30s, you will also start to see your skin showing early signs of ageing. It is at this time that many thirty-year-olds start to consider cosmetic treatments to slow down the clock. Some have called this “pre-juvenation”. Prioritizing your self-care in your 30s can help maintain everything you’ve worked so hard for! Keep reading to learn more about our most popular and affordable beautification treatments for people in their 30s.

Beautification Treatments in Your 30’s

With the multiple tasks you must juggle and the added responsibilities in your 30’s, it’s easy for your self-care and beauty regimens to be placed on the back burner. But this is the time when healthy habits like diet, exercise, not smoking, and drinking lots of water are most important to counteract the stressors in life. And as these stressors start to take a toll, your face will begin to appear more tired around the eyes, even when you are not. You may start noticing wrinkles and fine lines appear in areas of expression on your forehead and crows feet. The production of elastin and collagen begins to slow and this weakens the skin as the signs of ageing become more apparent. Thankfully, now we live in an era where science and technology have made safe and non-permanent options available to improve our skin. These common non-surgical treatments not only slow the clock on ageing but can also help you feel a boost in your appearance right now. Below is a list of the most common beautification treatments for thirty-somethings that can help you keep feeling and looking like your best self!


Lip Fillers

The popularity of lip fillers continues to grow. Influence from social media and celebrities has highlighted how full, yet natural-looking lips are attractive and sensual. Truth be told, hyaluronic acid fillers are a safe and effective option for people looking for temporary or buildable results. Many techniques are now used to create the “perfect” lip, including the presently popular “Russian lip” and “lip cleavage” approaches to lip injections. While lip trends will come and go, we use the “3P formula” when approaching lip beautification - Pillowy, Pouty and Proportioned.

Lip beautification is a journey and is as individual as you are. When it comes to lips, we want to choose a filler that has a softness and allows natural movement. Depending on your lip anatomy, it may be safer to gradually achieve your desired shape and fullness over a few treatment sessions before moving into maintenance mode to keep your desired fullness. When choosing a provider for lip injections, remember to pay for the skill, not the ML. Before proceeding with injections, check the provider’s credentials and be sure you feel comfortable that they are available, trained and equipped to manage any potential complications that may arise, no matter how rare. If you are eager to try lip fillers but are fearful of needle discomfort, we have perfected many ways to enhance your comfort.



By now, you have likely discovered your most flattering angle and lighting for images in 2D. But in real life, others see us from every angle. Fillers can be used for facial contouring to change the proportion of our features in relation to one another thereby creating more aesthetically pleasing balance, symmetry and harmony. Until advanced and safe filler treatment evolved, surgery was the only option to change the shape of noses, cheeks, jawlines and chins. Surgery is considered permanent and carries a higher risk and longer recovery time. While there are still times when surgery is the best option, in skilled hands, correction and contouring with temporary facial fillers can be a quick, safe and comfortable in-office alternative to going under the knife.

While you may not need a lot of volume at this age, strategically placing fillers can significantly level up your appearance. When correctly placed, fillers restore volume, lift the face, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and enhance your natural contours. The most common facial contouring treatments among people in their 30s are cheek filler, chin filler, under-eye hollows, and smile lines. Our 360-degree approach to facial beautification will have you looking your best from every angle.



As you age, facial expressions like smiling, squinting, and frowning literally become written all over your face. Whether you’re feeling happy, sad, tired, or stressed, these expressions etch their way into your skin creating fine lines. As a result, Botox is extremely common among those in their 30s as the formation and appearance of wrinkles become more apparent. If maintained, Botox can even help prevent new wrinkles from forming. Our clients are well informed on the many uses of Botox. With a twenty-year track record, its safety is well established and its uses continue to grow. There is a finesse to injecting Botox in a way that results in a naturally relaxed appearance. As Botox becomes more mainstream as a beauty treatment, it is important to choose a provider that has a good understanding of anatomy and how muscles work together to create our many expressions. Clients in their 30’s are most frequently asking for smooth foreheads with lifted brows, relaxed “11” lines and crows feet. We gladly offer Botox for these areas as well as off-label treatment of gummy smile, lip flip, facial slimming, and teeth clenching. We expect as time moves on, to continue to find new uses for Botox.


IPL Photorejuvenation

Imagine a complexion so flawless that foundation wasn’t necessary to clear the canvas. Sadly, the majority of brown spots and redness in our skin are a result of repeated exposure to the sun. By your 30’s, the UV damage may be visible as brown spots, hyperpigmentation, or the broken capillaries and flushing of rosacea. The great news is these common signs of sun damage can be erased with a series of light treatments called IPL which is short for intense pulsed light. This light therapy targets brown and red pigment in the skin and can be used on many areas to improve overall skin quality and complexion. It is most commonly requested as a Photofacial. This quick, non-invasive treatment requires little downtime, which is perfect for your fast-paced life. IPL Photorejuvenation is like hitting the reset button on sun ageing to revive that youthful glow.


Skin Care Products

Other than sunscreen, which is a must, you may not have thought too much about antiaging skincare before your 30’s. Now is the decade to focus on good quality cosmeceuticals. While you may not reap the rewards for years to come, you will be thankful that you chose to invest and maintain a good skincare regime. Take a few minutes of each day to consistently nourish and protect your skin. Our skincare recommendations are always based on active ingredients such as AHA, BHA, retinol, peptides, Vitamins and antioxidants which are scientifically proven to be effective in anti-ageing and skin health. We are happy to assist you in choosing the products and regimen that is most appropriate for you.


With so many competing interests, women in this decade often carry guilt about putting themselves first. We have been programmed to put others' needs before our own. Yet, this is a stage when taking care of yourself is most important as you cannot pour from an empty cup! Our cosmetic treatment pricing varies depending on your specific needs, however average maintenance based on three botox sessions and two syringes filler per year is about $160 per month. This is comparable to what you would spend on other forms of beauty maintenance, like getting your hair, lashes or nails done, all of which contribute to your overall happiness.  And, unlike that designer bag or new outfit in your closet, you wear your face every day. So let go of the guilt and pencil yourself in at the top of your priority list.

In your 30s, drinking lots of water, regular exercise, a healthy diet, a quality skincare routine and lots of sunscreen will all play a critical role in helping maintain a healthy complexion. On top of that, we’re here to offer affordable cosmetic treatments that can provide an extra boost of confidence and happiness. Putting your self-care first in your 30s will resonate through into other areas of your life so that you can continue to achieve all of your hopes and desires!